
The Coach is not always right

When Abel Jordan Jul introduced himself to me approximately three years ago, he wasn’t that sure of what was going to happen. He was actually a bit lost.⁠

Fighting with a body that wanted to grow too fast, without letting him understand how to handle longer legs, longer arms, wider shoulders. Letting him with poor coordination that did not grow proportionally to the anthropometrics. I still remember that pyriformis giving troubles, that periostitis never letting go.⁠ Worst than everything, I remember the boy was told by the previous coach “he was not that gifted” for hurdling.⁠

We started as usual.
Withouth caring about what others said or thought.⁠

#adaywith: Abel Jordan Jul

We went to our first nationals, did not make it to the semis.
The next time, he got a bronze.
The next time, he did not make it to the end of the final.
But he closed with the best national timing for the season in the semi.⁠
This year Abel got the standard for the European Championship.

That coach was probably not right. This boy has something to say about hurdles.⁠

Congratulation to @_abeljordan_, his coach Jorge and the club @gofitathletics supporting him. We want more stories like this!⁠

The future is bright,⁠

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